Get Connected

Reports, Commentary & Creativity from Eastside Media Arts Students

Join the Conversation!

With the new year has come new visitors to our Get Connected blog.  The comments we have received have been refreshing and engaging which is what a blog should be about! Sharing thoughts, ideas, and creating an engaging conversation.


As our Media Arts students launch their new Blogs this week, we invite all of our new visitors to keep coming back to explore all the new sites being added to the AM and PM drop down menus.

There should be something of interest for everyone if you just browse through the sites.  Some of our students have tried blogging before, while others are trying it for the first time. Either way, it promises to be a fun adventure that will only get better with time.

Again, I thank you new visitors for checking out our site. It is so exciting to read feedback from a real audience outside our own classroom.

And if you didn’t already know, we have an open invitation for “Guest Bloggers”. If you would like to write a blog entry about something in your class or any other fun musings, submit it to me and we can add it to the Everything Eastside page.  Try it! you might like it.

~Ms. Rauch


  1. that sounds like people will use it between classes tbh

  2. I’m excited to both read and comment on these blogs! I hope that many interesting debates/comments will be added shortly.

  3. Thank you, now we can challenge ourselves to think more about current events with the blogs

  4. These blogs have been quite interesting and fun to read. There are a large variety of subjects to read and talk about and you sometimes even talk to other people about the same thing. Overall great site to visit.

  5. Donovan Richardson

    October 21, 2016 at 9:17 am

    I have been posting to you guys blogs for a while now and I have noticed a few things. You gotta make great blogs that make it easy to relate to and I love that. Now a days you can’t really finds things you can relate to because everything and everyone wants to be an individual. These blogs have become islands in society’s ocean of individuality and that’s just the best thing that the world needs right now.

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