I wrote my first blog while I was still a reporter at a local TV station. It was around 2006. Called Michelle’s Dog Blog, it was prompted by the cancer diagnosis my beloved dog George received at the young age of five and a half years old. As I learned about the wonderful treatment available to pets who still had so much life left in them in spite of a serious health crisis, I wanted to share what I was learning with the viewers of our TV station.
Writing the blog was not only therapeutic for me, but it was rewarding to get so much feedback from the people who read it. I still remember one woman whose dog had nose cancer. She ended up taking her dog to the veterinary oncologist my George was being treated by, who was one of only two in the entire state back then. Unfortunately her dog was far along in his illness, but the oncologist was able to make her dog comfortable for the remaining months he had left. This made me feel so good that my story was able to help someone else.
Three years after his diagnosis, my George passed away. After that I sat down and wrote from my heart about the lessons my boy taught me in life and in the three years of boldly, bravely, and even enthusiastically battling his lymphoma. That post was nominated for an Emmy for writing. To this day I share a copy of that post with friends after the loss of a pet in the hopes it brings them some comfort. The power of words is amazing.
Follow-Worthy Favorites
Although this Blog is not updated anymore, it is still one of my favorite that I followed regularly when it was current. It was created by a former co-worker of mine and his wife who sold ALL of their worldly belongings, including their home, bought a utility van and converted it into a house on wheels. That is where their story begins. I loved living vicariously through their exciting life as they traveled the states and beyond.
A dog named Freddy and Dirty Jobs host, Mike Rowe. What’s not to like?! I love this blog written from the perspective of the dog. Good stuff.
This is a fantastic blog for the artistically inclined. The title says it all. A mother who is an artist documents her daughter’s fashion choices by drawing them with colored pencils. While no words are used, each illustration still tells a story.
2017 Goals
With my broadcast career behind me, I am encouraging my Media Arts students to blog. This is the third year it has been a part of my curriculum. It’s been hit or miss. This year, sadly, it seems to be a miss. I think it is important for everyone to feel they have a voice and blogging is a great platform to be seen and heard through the written word, spoken in a podcast post, or showcasing expression through art and photographs.
Blogging is a tool for expression that can be taken out of the classroom and into life. I have had students who loved it so much they continued blogging on their own after leaving my class. One young lady documented her first year as a college student in a blog which I thought was a great idea.
I am excited to join the #EdublogsClub for the weekly prompts to not only get back in the habit of blogging for my personal enjoyment, but to also model blogging for my students in a way I hope inspires them. Additionally I am looking forward to connecting with other educators across the country who are participating in the Blogging Club!
January 18, 2017 at 11:45 pm
Hi Michelle
Thanks for sharing your blogging story. Michelle’s Dog Blog shows how the power of words is amazing.
I know you’ve now been blogging with students for several years. I would be interested in your reflections of why some years it has been more successful than others as knowing what has worked/hasn’t worked helps me help others more.